HSK DATA Ltd is the biggest Polish manufacturer of surge protection equipment. For many years we have been producing the popular both in Poland and in Europe filtering and surge protection appliances, which are known in the market under the brands acar and AXON.
HSK DATA over 25 years has introduced to the market the surge protective devices to meet the increasing challenges of IT technology and electronics. Except the surge protectors for power line and information networks we are expanding our product range with sophisticated equipment protecting digital telecommunication lines as well as digital and analogue videomonitoring systems. HSK DATA products are distinguished by their full compliance with European standards.
HSK DATA is the well-known manufacturer of systems for the automatic identification. The best known are RCP time attendance system or lockdata access control system, which have proven themselves thanks to their flexibility and reliability in over 2 500 companies in Poland and abroad.
HSK DATA has currently 100 employees at its headquarters in Krakow, in the trade office in Warsaw and in the branch office Atarex. Our highly qualified team is at your disposal to serve any assistance in solving problems.
Proper power supply of every electronic device is essential for its correct and long-lasting functioning.
Have you ever experienced damage to an equipment due to an overvoltage caused by a storm?
acar AXON surge protectors are a complete security systems designed to protect appliances connected to power and telecommunication networks which are seriously exposed to various types of interferences and overvoltages occurring in them.
Proper power supply of every electronic device is essential for its correct and long-lasting functioning. Have you ever experienced damage to an equipment due to an overvoltage caused by a storm?
Do not risk, surge protection is effective and much cheaper than losses caused by overvoltages.
Devices connected to power and telecommunication networks are seriously exposed to various types of interferences and overvoltages occurring in them. The sources of these disturbances are: electric discharges (20 storm days a year at average), frequently occurring switching in power networks, connection and disconnection of large inductive machinery, home appliances, radio transmitters, TV transmitters, traction networks, etc. supplied from the common power supply network.
To protect computer devices, audio / video equipment, modems, faxes, telephone exchanges, measurement systems and other devices against such disturbances and their destructive effects, use surge protective devices of the family acar-AXON.
All devices comply with the IEC 60884-1 standard and are protected in the Polish Patent Office as industrial and utility designs.